So far on my Halloween poll, the winning option is me giving out bouncy balls or some other non-food items to trick or treaters. That’s good, because that’s what I decided to do anyway. 🙂 Mel had some mini-tubs of Play-Doh that she wasn’t going to use, so I bought those off of her. Being awesome, she also threw in some bubble gum, spider rings, and twisty bracelets, so the 10 or 12 trick-or-treaters who actually come by my house will find lots of fun options. If they come before I leave for community group.

Last night I stopped by the Guilty Pleasures show at the Frist Center, and I was delighted to see one of the singers in a She-Ra costume. That’s amazing dedication to the 80s, folks. Also appearing: The Energizer Bunny, Rambo, Willie Nelson, and Chrissy from Three’s Company.

I dragged my very patient husband to a costume party in East Nashville tonight. Dan Beck threw a party, so we stopped by to stay hi. I fashioned a cat costume out of my critter hat, a fuzzy scarf, and black clothing, and Paul donned his fedora and camera to become a photographer. Highlights of the party: The band in the living room playing (mostly) blues, and the dogs in costume.

Several people on my neighborhood list-servs have been asking when trick or treating will be this year. Like, will it be tonight (Saturday) or on Halloween (Wednesday). One person said they couldn’t find anything about it on the internet. Ummmm……. as one neighbor replied, “I’ve held trick or treat on Halloween for the past 53 years…when do other people do it?”

To be fair, I’m sure there are neighborhood organizations that decide to have trick-or-treating on a weekend instead of a weeknight. Just struck me as a funny question.

By the way, did you hear that Kat Coble is giving out Bibles for Halloween? Or maybe not…interesting discussion in the comments over at her place.