So, my birthday happened while I was on the cruise….I was in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico that day.

This past Saturday was good make-up birthday, though.

Ariana and I went to the Nashville Women’s Ice Hockey League open house that afternoon. Ariana is a great friend for such adventures — she is far more daring than I, so I try to enlist her to join me when I am doing something out of my comfort zone (on ice = out of my comfort zone).

The free event included mini-skating lessons, chances to take shots on the goal, and free refreshments. I was truly terrible on skates, but I had a ton of fun. The ladies gave me some tips for staying on my feet, and one player spent considerable time passing the puck back and forth with me. That was pretty cool.

I probably would have been decent at skating if I weren’t so scared of falling. Eventually I figured out the basic movement, but I stayed so close to the boards that I couldn’t develop momentum. I wish I had let go of my fears long enough to skate a couple of laps without grabbing the boards in a panic. (I think there’s a Sam Davidson post in that paragraph somewhere.)

Anyway, later that night Paul and I celebrated my birthday with my parents. And guess what. They got me an ICE CREAM CAKE. That is love right there, folks. Well, maybe not exactly, but I really appreciated it. Mint chocolate chip with chocolate cake from Baskin Robbins. Happy happy.

The birthday festivities continue into next week. Coming soon: Fun times with the in-laws, H.M.S. Pinafore with Emily, and Mary Kay party.