During this bed rest journey, I am so grateful for the many resources available to help families experiencing high risk pregnancies. This is a hard road for many reasons; for me, finding support means finding sanity. I thought I would list a few of the resources I have found helpful and invite you to list things that may have helped you during a similar time.

Babycenter Boards — Much to my surprise, the specialized boards on Babycenter have been an amazing support for me. In addition to my “January 2010 Birth Club” group, I am a member of groups for Cervical Disorders and Bed Rest. The fellowship on these boards remind me of when I would go out to dinner with a group of women every week. This is a great place for me to turn late at night when I’m feeling discouraged.

InspireNancy told me about this site, which has another set of support groups for sharing specific issues. From what I’ve seen, this has a little bit less idle chatter than the Babycenter Boards and more of a focused feel.

Sidelines — This organization specializes in providing support to women in high risk pregnancies by pairing them with a mentor who has been through a similar situation. I have an email buddy who was on long-term on bed rest with an incompetent cervix, and she’s quick to offer encouragement and a listening ear when I need it. Sidelines always has helpful articles and a list of books, including books for older chlildren experiencing a mom on bed rest.

Parents Reaching Out — I’m just starting to learn about this organization, but it seems to be a local Nashville group that provides peer counseling for high risk pregnancies and parents with NICU babies.

Mommy Blogs — Nancy and Mollie are two bloggers who are very inspiring to me during this journey. I’ve found some other helpful blogs by googling my city and “bed rest” and other key words. It may sound silly, but hearing similar stories from moms who live near me helps me escape the isolation I sometimes feel.

Books — I just read Days in Waiting, and it has some great tips for surviving long-term bed rest. I wish I had read it 2 months ago! The book also has advice on being an advocate for yourself during hospital bed rest. Nancy lent me Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies in case I end up needing it, and I’ve already found the information in there useful as I wonder what to expect.

Unexpected Blessings — Of course, sometimes one never can tell from whence strength for the next day will come. Tonight I was reading a book that quoted the hymn “O Let Your Soul Now Be Filled with Gladness,” and somehow that was exactly what I needed to hear.


In addition to listing some things that are helping me through my pregnancy, I also wanted to note that October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month. To all the brave families out there who have suffered a loss in their lives — your babies are not forgotten!

Please feel free to share with me what helped you through difficult time with your pregnancy, loss, or infertility.