Finally home after a whirlwind trip to Europe. Actually, we were gone for 10 days, so it wasn’t all THAT whirlwind, but 3 countries in 10 days with a 1-year-old is a little hectic.

Paul’s sister has lived in Vienna for the past year, so she hadn’t seen Ian since he was a few days old. Thanks to Paul’s parents, we got the opportunity to fly to Austria to see her. Awesome! Plus, my cousin Jessica just moved to Italy, so we added a quick weekend trip to Venice to the itinerary so we could see her as well. On a lark, we added Bratislava, Slovakia, to the plan since it is a great day trip from Vienna. So yeah. Crazy times, but wonderful times.

It was great to see Ian with Amy. He took to her so quickly that we’re pretty sure he recognized her from Skype. We loved getting to see Amy’s apartment (free lodging for the win!) and learning about the Viennese culture. I’m definitely in withdrawal from chocolate and pastries, though.

We arrive home to thunderstorms and the Country Music Marathon. Ah, Nashville in spring! Seriously, though, while I miss Amy and the excitement of Europe, it is truly good to be home.

Picture courtesy of Amy’s Facebook page, taken by Jessica Goodman.