I have a confession to make. Sometimes I am a very judgmental person. And there is nothing that brings out my judgementallyness more than your e-mail address.

Oh, yes, my friends. It’s true. Your e-mail address reveals much about you.

@aim.com – You have an AIM e-mail address? Seriously? Who signs up for an e-mail address with AIM? Did they trick you into doing that?

@aol.com – Please tell me you are not still paying for AOL….

@bellsouth.net, @comcast.net, @charter.net – You’ve settled down and established a family.

@gmail.com – You’re a reasonably hip person. I might like to meet you.

@webtv.net – I can’t decide if this is worse than aim.com. Yeah, I think it is. It’s fine if you used to have webtv, but you should have upgraded your service and your e-mail address a long time ago.

@hotmail.com – You played bass (rockergrrl1997) or loved penguins (iluvpenguinz79) 10 years ago when you were 14.

@juno.com, @netzero.net – You still have dial-up? That stinks. You’re probably doing something smart like saving money and following budget guidelines.

I think the award for Coolest Email Address EVER goes to a friend whose e-mail address was @davidbowie.com