I’d like to get back to our regularly scheduled European Adventure posts, but I just don’t have it in me. Taking a few minutes to write about our vacation feels so shallow.

I know there is nothing wrong with blogging about non-flood topics; I imagine it would be quite healthy. Maybe later today I can carve out a little more time and tell you about our trip.

Today I want to be a journalist. Those of you who know me well probably know I’m a workaholic who has ideas for a new career every 5 minutes. Today I saw a note that London’s Guardian newspaper wanted a flood story from a freelancer, and I was like –ooh — me!  What?! I’m not a journalist. Sigh…..   And I really don’t need a new career at the moment.

So when I have the random impulses to go start some new enterprise, I try to post here and remind myself of this fabulous creative outlet waiting for me at blogger.com.

On a side note, I had a lovely Mother’s Day with my boys yesterday. They took me to brunch at Allium. We then played at a park for awhile and then looked at open houses just for fun. Thank you, Paul and Ian, for a great day!