Thanks to some wonderful, responsive UPS employees, I think the issues have been resolved. EvanAtUPS contacted me shortly after my blog post, and a wonderful person named Keyshauna in Accounts Receivable tracked down the problem and emailed the collections agency to let them know I don’t owe anything.

I would still be a little wary recommending UPS to any small business considering the time and effort it took for this situation to be resolved. In fact, the resolution this week took several extra days due to an error with their email system [forehead slap]. I was starting to feel like I would never settle this.

However, I will continue occasionally to use UPS for my personal shipping needs, thanks to the diligence of Evan and Keyshauna. You guys have my permission to do so as well.  😉

My last lingering fear is that the collection agency won’t let this go, even though I saw an email from someone at the agency confirming that the account is now closed. Just to be on the safe side, I am going to send them a letter letting them know UPS and I have settled our differences.

Many thanks to all of you who offered advice and encouragement via Twitter and Facebook. Your support helped me pursue this thing to the end(?).

Case closed? We shall see.