Sorry I haven’t posted much lately. I’ve had a lot going on. Plus, I’m just not that reliable. 🙂

One of the many fun things that happened this week was a baby shower for Nick and Sarah. And, of course, for their beautiful baby, Annie.

Annie Hilscher

Also went to a Preds game on Thursday night. We SMASHED Ottawa, 6-0. Whoo! Glad most of the Preds are healthy and back on the ice. That also helps my Fantasy Hockey team. I was especially happy about the assists from Dumont and Kariya, and the goal from Radulov. I also was grateful to Darcy Hordichuk for getting into a fight. My husband had gone to a taping of the Darcy Hordichuk show the previous night, and he let Darcy know that he needed to help out my fantasy team by getting more penalty minutes. That’s a good husband for ya, eh? Especially since he is my fantasy hockey opponent this week.