Today & throughout the week we are gathering — on blogs, Facebook, & paper — to write letters to Pearl Joy Brown.  Whether you’ve been following Pearl’s story for months or you are meeting her for the first time today, we invite you to join us.

 Dear Pearl,

For a long time, our family has wanted to find a community of believers with whom we could share our lives.

When we found our church this year and heard about a new home group forming in our neighborhood, it seemed that at last our prayers had been answered.

I got to learn more about our new faith family this summer as I watched them joyfully celebrate your life and pray for you.

And as I’ve watched you grab onto life and hold it with all your might these past few weeks, I realize that God is calling me to more than just community.

You see, dear Pearl, I’m a runner. When I see need and vulnerability, I help a little. And then I run away.

I’m afraid of getting hurt.  I’m afraid of opening my heart and feeling pain. I’m afraid of getting so lost in the need that I can’t find myself any more.

But in your little life and in our new community, I see God calling me to open my heart. To risk the pain. To find in our community of believers a safe place to offer help when I can and say “no” when I’m can’t. 

I’m excited about meeting you this year, sweet Pearl, and walking alongside your family on this journey. I am so grateful that they have chosen to share you with us and let us grow through your story.


To learn more about Pearl, visit

To support the Brown family in a tangible way, visit their support page HERE or click the photo below to donate to the Van Fund.