Right now I’m trying to lose some weight. I feel like I need to lose about 10 pounds to be healthy, about 30 to be the weight I would love to be. I haven’t changed my eating habits much, but I am trying to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Mostly I am trying to get in shape by exercising for at least 30 minutes everyday. I’ve been successful on that count lately, which is exciting. I’ve always considered myself an undisciplined person who could never do anything consistently. Maybe the consistency only comes if my goal is truly important to me. Hm.

The Tennessean bugs me. I feel like they jump on any negative angle they can find about the whole Predators ownership deal. Of course, Preds marketing needs to step up, too, and give the local papers more positive things to report. The Preds players always seem to be doing great things for the community (see this recent article about J.P. Dumont visiting hospital patients), but the good stuff hardly ever makes the news.

If you have any extra money, buy some Preds tickets. If you don’t want to go to the game, you can give the tickets to me. 🙂

Likewise, if you still have extra money after you buy some Preds tickets, take a class at the Nashville Jazz Workshop. I took a class there this summer — what a great experience! I received top quality instruction and got to sing with some incredible musicians. The classes are open to experienced singers and beginners. And once again, if you have the extra money but don’t want to take a class, you can give the money to ME so I can take more classes and become a famous jazz singer. 🙂

News reports are talking about “a big recall for chocolate lovers.” This headline is referring to the recall of some white chocolate squares made for baking. Um, that is not chocolate. At least, it’s not the type of chocolate that most chocolate lovers turn to in their times of need. Maybe “a big recall for bakers” or “a big recall for homemade candy enthusiasts,” but not for chocolate lovers.