Symphony Fountain IceJANUARY.

Am I right?!

I mean, it’s not as bad as last year, but man. January just gets me every time.

Take some dreary weather, add in a couple of birthdays and post-holiday clean-up, toss in a new dairy allergy just for good measure, and suddenly I’m dropping balls and forgetting emails all over the place.

Fortunately for us, the rest of the internet has continued to shine. Here are some of my favorite links lately:

A couple of weeks ago I loitered in my neighbor’s kitchen while our kids played, and she made these fantastic snickerdoodles. I’m struggling to adapt to a new dairy-free lifestyle, and sharing these vegan cookies with a friend was exactly what I needed.

My friend Jessica was featured on Bellini’s blog for her sparkling nursery design. Jessica’s style tips have rescued me several times, and I love seeing her talent featured!

I just started following Ann Voskamp’s blog (I know, I know, so late to the party), and found How to Destroy Procrastination: Dear You Who Doesn’t Want to Do that Hard Thing in the New Year. The line “perfectionism is slow death by self”– Yes. Yes.

That’s all for now, my friends. Stay warm!