It’s March. And we’re covered with ice here in Nashville. I’m not particularly surprised, as Nashville gets a good March snowstorm at least every 10 years.

But I need the cold to just stop already. We’re stir-crazy and gDaffodilrumpy here. We’ve resorted to our 574th viewing of Cars by this point (aided by warm apple cider).

If you need a little thawing out, physically or emotionally, I’ve got some cozy fireside reading for you today.

If you need some hope, need to know we all have flaws and all need grace, check out Momastery’s Sacred Scared series. A part of each post made me want to stand up and shout, “Me, too! Me, too!”

If you’re a mom in need of a catharsis, check out Suburbal Turmoil’s The Last One. But grab a box of tissues first.

And finally, if you want to know about this crazy fair trade stuff I keep posting about, check out Let’s Be Fair’s funĀ explanatory post, written for her dad.

Hope you all stay warm this week, and I hope the sun returns soon..for all our sakes.