So last night, husband was looking at Quicken and checking our budget. He was updating me on our financial status, and I started to get fairly stressed.

I have some … issues … with anxiety, and money is a big trigger for me. Whether we have $4 or $4 million, I worry about whether we have enough to make ends meet and whether we are spending the money responsibly.

So I mentioned to hubby that it is best for me not to talk about money before bedtime, lest I start to worry so much that I have trouble sleeping. “Actually,” I told him, “I can’t think about money, hell, or aliens before I go to bed.”

He just looks at me and says, “The aliens say we have to give them money or we’ll go to hell.”

Sigh. I think he was mocking me.

As if that weren’t enough, tonight he showed me a picture of a UFO over Nashville.

Normally he would dismiss it as a lens flare, but since he couldn’t find the light source causing the flare, he decided it was a UFO.

see top left corner for UFO
click for larger image

If I have nightmares tonight, I totally am going to blame him. Last night I dreamt that Nashville was hit by an earthquake. Of course, I also dreamed that we got another puppy . . .