I get a makeover tomorrow!

My friend Jessica, who has worked in the fashion industry for several years, is going to survey my wardrobe and then take me shopping to infuse some style into my life.

I’ve always struggled in finding the knowledge and patience to dress well, so I’m excited to receive help from a professional.

Now that I’m a mom, I need outfits that are machine-washable and easy to throw together. I find myself wearing jeans and Predators t-shirts more often than not, with the occasional workout pants thrown in. I have a couple of cute outfits, but they generally have baby drool on them after a couple of hours; then I’m back to jeans and t-shirts until laundry day.

I do have several nice pairs of pants and jackets that are dry clean only — right, like those will see the light of day in the next five years.

I am a little nervous about the makeover. I don’t weigh what I would like to weigh right now, and buying clothes in my current size means admitting to myself that I’m not as healthy as I would like to be. I think that vulnerability and honesty is only going to help me be more confident in my clothing choices. If I’m feeling brave, I may post “before” and “after” photos for my fashion adventure. Wish me luck!