I’ve joined Itty Bitty Becca’s Team for the March of Dimes March for Babies this year! 

I didn’t know much about the March of Dimes until my friend Nancy had her sweet baby Becca at only 28 weeks gestation. Since then, Nancy has been a tireless advocate of the work that March of Dimes does to ensure healthy babies and healthy mommies in all pregnancies. Their research into prenatal care, prematurity, and birth defects is saving babies, like Itty Bitty Becca, every day.

In the past year March of Dimes has become even more important to me. I went into pre-term labor at 17 weeks and ended up on bed rest for five months while waiting to bring my youngest son into the world. Happily, he was born at 39 weeks, healthy and vibrant. However, we discovered he has a tethered spinal cord, a birth defect related to spina bifida. The work of March of Dimes helps babies like my David make it to full term and supports families who are dealing with NICU stays or birth defects.

In addition to my own experiences, I am thankful for what the March of Dimes has contributed to the health of Itty Bitty Becca and others like her. My tiny friends Lydia and Penny are lovely twin girls who also were born at 28 weeks, and I am thankful for the research that is helping them flourish and grow. 

So this year, I am joining the March of Babies and walking on April 17 to support March of Dimes. If you want to support my walk, you can visit my March for Babies page (or click on the bar on the right side of my blog) and contribute to March of Dimes. Your gift will help March of Dimes strive toward their goal of healthy babies and healthy families! Thanks!