Hola, my friends.

Hope you are having a good week.

I’m pretty good. Lots to do. Taxes, new ghia inventory, other stuff.

Right now I’m re-training Cameron so that we can walk without him pulling me down the street. It’s very slow work, but I’m seeing a difference.

I have some new BzzAgent reviews to write, and I’m pretty excited about those. I get to try Chili’s new Smokehouse Bacon Burger for free. Gotta do that before my coupons expire at the end of the month. If I’m eating at a chain restaurant, Chili’s is one of my preferences, and I always love a good restaurant burger. I also get to try Horizon Organic Milk Plus DHA. I’ve bought Horizon Organic Milk before, and our in-house milk connoisseur loves it, so we’ll see how this new products fares.

Here are some links for your viewing pleasure:
Keyhole Magazine – Some friends of mine started a new literary journal. It looks fabulous!
Adam’s Rib – Blogger buddy Kat shares about grief and Good Friday
Grace or casseroles? – Blogger buddy Kate shares about prayer from a non-believer’s perspective
Composters! Did you know you can buy composting bins from the Nashville government?