On the way home from a mini-vacation this weekend, Paul and I listened to Let Them Eat Cake on WRVU. I’d heard and enjoyed the show before then, but yesterday was the first time I really took notice of it.

The fabulous DJs had programmed a mix specializing in the Cold War and related topics, such as the atom bomb and spies. That was exactly what my long-dormant music geek needed to hear.

In college I did a term paper on 20th century propaganda music, so I loved hearing aspects of Cold War propaganda that were unfamiliar to me. (Incidentally, one of my favorite discoveries while writing that paper was Charlie and His Orchestra, a big band sponsored by the Nazi government. They took popular swing songs of the day and changed the lyrics to lampoon Allied leaders.)

Anyway, some of the great picks from yesterday’s program include Atomic Power by The Louvin Brothers, No No Joe by Hank Williams, Tic Tic Tic by Doris Day, and Thirteen Men by Ann Margaret.