Ah, kids music. It’s the genre I love to hate. There are exceptions, of course….there is some good music out there. It seems like so much kids music, though, is inane and/or annoying and/or inappropriate (Kidz Bop, anybody?).

The Musician and I were talking about this the other day. We both like to bounce with our babies to a dance beat, but we really don’t want them to learn about brushing their teeth with a bottle of Jack. (Musician, so far my best guess is create a mix of old Newsboys dance hits with some Echoing Green and Code of Ethicsย  — heh.)

I do like the Wee Sing series; it seems to have lots of classic songs in good, basic arrangements.

However, I’ve finally found a kids CD that is also music for me. I don’t become embarrassed when I find myself singing it in public, and I’m even excited about attending one of the concerts.

The source of this wonderful phenomenon is Coal Train Railroad. It’s a CD of jazz for kids, and it was created by some of my fellow East Nashvillians! I heard about this band from The Musician. Honestly, I was too impressed when I first heard some clips of their music online, but I decided to buy the music anyway to support the project.

To my absolute delight, I found Coal Train Railroad to be just what Ian and I needed. The musicians on the album are fantastic, managing to combine jazz, education, and goofy fun into a charming concoction. What was truly impressive to me was the structure of the album, which included Latin jazz, a torch song, a foxtrot, and several other standard jazz forms.

Oh, and I tested in the car today — the upbeat songs are great at keeping Ian awake, while the slower songs put him right to sleep. Fabulous!

Clearly, I recommend that everyone check out Coal Train Railroad for their munchkins, but I’m sure y’all have some good recommendations for kids’ music that won’t drive parents up the wall. Let me know in the comments what’s on your playlist! Thanks!

P.S. – In case you’re wondering, this is not a sponsored post. Just rambling about something I like.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚