Today Paul and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Boy, does that make me feel all grown-up and stuff.

I’m pretty excited about our five years together, as well as the years to come. I am so thankful for all the adventures we’ve had, all the friends we’ve made, and all the wise people who have given us advice (we’ve had some unwise advice, too — I’m really not thankful for that).

Anyway, my awesomest hubby sent me some lovely flowers today. Having flowers delivered is so much fun.

Paul uses this great company called, which arranges for the flowers to be shipped directly from the growers.

When the flowers arrive, they are still in bud form. This protects the flowers, and also ensures that the recipient gets the benefit of flowers in full bloom (instead of a cardboard box or a refrigerator getting the benefit of flowers in full bloom).

A few hours after the flowers arrive and I put them into water, they start to open.

Please note that Paul had exquisite taste in choosing lilies and an ultra-mod glass vase.