So, I’ve been slaving away at the business for the past couple of weeks.

I’ve added lots more products and some new graphics. Currently I’m working on posters and fliers to help promote the store. If you want some, lemme know. Oh, and Paul created a fun web ad for blogs and such.

So here’s a run down of some of the new stuff:
We recently added clothing from StarCat Designs and American Apparel, including an organic cotton ‘Peace’ t-shirt. Remember last month’s “It’s in the Bag” sale to benefit Blood:Water Mission? We picked up a few of our favorite bags and now our offering them to our customers. We also have new jewelry designs from Freckle Dog, by East Nashvillian Ariana Terrell.

I’m getting ready to sent out a newsletter with a special discount for subscribers, so sign up for that at to save some money.

Oh, and I added a blog post on myspace that explains some of the terms I like to use when talking about my products. Here’s an excerpt:

Fair trade. Independent. Socially responsible.

What’s the meaning of it all? It’s easy to toss around some catchphrases, but do they matter?

Here’s a quick guide to what some of these terms mean to us.

Independent: These products aren’t designed by corporations. They are designed and crafted by creative types trying to make a living through art. Examples at include Freckle Dog and StarCat Designs.

Fair trade: Organizations that are “fair trade” pay workers and artisans fair wages for their work and ensure proper working conditions (no sweatshops, no child labor, etc.). These organizations also work with the communities involved to create sustainable economies. For more info, check out An example from is the World Finds brand.

Socially responsible: These organizations often are committed to fair wages and benefits for workers, environmentally friendly products, and/or making a difference in their communities. Examples from include Thistle Farms and American Apparel.