Who has two front teeth and turned one last week?


Actually, he has five teeth, all of which have broken through his gums in the last six weeks. Ouch.

Yes, our little David is one, and he has quickly moved from babyhood to toddlerness. He is starting to pull up everywhere he can, and he uses a fast, one-legged crawl to escape from Mommy’s sight.

David loves to mimic sounds, especially any loud, silly noises made by his big brother. He says “Daddy,” “Bye-bye,” “Uh-oh,” and “Thank you” pretty regularly in context, which is adorably cute (as are all things that he does, I think).

David’s favorite games are “Pass the David,” which involves him being passed back and forth between two relatives, and “Roll the Ball,” for which Daddy and Ian usually are willing participants. Just this last week he developed some major catching, throwing, and rolling skills with his favorite ball. He also likes to improvise his own hockey set involving an ice cream scoop or cooking spoon and a block.

Music is a favorite, and upbeat songs (be they Mozart or Guaraldi) often are cause for much head bopping and arm waving and joyous dancing in general. The kitty cat is another favorite — David has managed to pet her several times with no blood drawn. One of David’s favorite toys is his car set, where he will slide cars down a ramp over and over again for as long as we will let him.

David is tall and skinny for his age, and he is developing quite the mullet. His hair is straight and silky like his daddy’s, and it grows so fast that I’ve been caught unprepared and keep forgetting to cut it. He has a cuddly disposition, although more and more he wants to leave the comfort of Mommy’s arms for playtime.

He is a sweet, fun boy, and I am so glad he has added to our family! Happy birthday, sweet David!