sugar carnage
Sugar Carnage

I’m almost on empty today. I had a whirlwind weekend with baking, an egg hunt, a birthday party, (buying jeans), and lots of general merriment that drained my introvert-ness totally dry.

This week I’ve been struggling to recharge myself. When my energy has been depleted, I can’t always figure out what I need to do next. Hide from people? Hang out with people? Clean up the house? Watch TV?

I also don’t make the best decisions in this state of being. My coping mechanisms so far have included eating too much sugar and staying up too late reading Twitter. Not exactly the pathway to health right there.

For me, I think the key is to remember that recovering from a big weekend is a process. There’s no prayer, manicure, or dance class that is going to be a “cure” to get me back on track. I have to take care of myself, bit by bit, in the best way I know how, and trust that normal, healthy Christy is waiting for me around the corner.