I live nowhere near the coast, so this post (fortunately) is not based on my own experience. It does, however, stem from my own feelings after seeing secondhand and thirdhand the suffering of pets in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

I know it must be tough for pet owners during evacuations. Many shelters won’t take animals…few pet owners can afford the luxury of boarding their pets…..at times leaving pets at home may seem like the only option.

Thankfully, after the human and animal tragedies of Katrina, coastal residents now have many more options to keep their pets safe during hurricanes.

Here are few tips I’ve gleaned from the web, plus links to the sources:

1. Keep an evacuation kit for your pets ready at all times. Possible supplies to include: food, water, leashes, blankets, carriers. According to the Humane Society of Louisiana, pets in carriers will be allowed to board evacuation buses. (Humane Society of Louisiana)

2. Check www.petswelcome.com or www.tripswithpets.com for lists of pet-friendly hotels on your evacuation route. (Louisiana SPCA)

3. Find out which emergency shelters in your state are pet friendly. (FloridaPets, PetFriendlyTravel)

4. Make sure your animals have proper identification tags. Consider microchipping them. (Mississippi Board of Animal Health).

5. Never leave your animal at home! While pets are fairly resourceful, leaving them exposes them to the harsh possibilities of drowning or starvation. Remember, there’s is no way to know when you will be able to return home. (Humane Society of the United States)

Preparation is one of the best ways to keep you and your pets safe. Make a list of friends who are generally willing to host you and your pets for a few days. Write down your game plan and a list of what you will need. Be willing to ask for help when you don’t know what to do. And know that you do have choices!