After a year of blogging about fair fashion every Friday, we’re switching things up a bit. You’ll still find my favorite ethical brands here, but they’ll be featured any day of the week! Today my mind is on other matters.

Photo by Paul Nicholson
Photo by Paul Nicholson

I love the holidays. I love the music, the pumpkin spice candles, the traditions, and most of all, the feeling of peace that settles on our house during this sacred time.

Wait, what? Peace? Not my holidays. Mine are filled with busy schedules, over-the-top expectations, and way too much stress.

In the past I expected peace as my due. I just knew that if I hit all the right buttons and created the appropriate atmosphere, peace would could floating into my home at just the perfect time as we all serenely contemplated the mystery of our Savior’s birth.

Lately I’ve been learning that peace isn’t passive. If I sit and wait for peace to arrive, I will miss the parade. I must be active about finding peace and protecting its place in my family.

I must pursue peace.

So this year I’m doing some prep work. I’m scheduling broad margins. I’m seeing my therapist for a check-up. I’m looking at what my family needs to stay spiritually and emotionally connected and seeking to cut out the extra obligations.

Honestly, though, I’ll probably still plan too many activities, stress too much over shopping, and forget most of the days on our Advent calendar. Because here’s the thing — I also can’t bring peace to myself. I can’t generate it from within me. That requires strength and grace I do not have.

I must wait for peace.

If I want this season to be beautiful for my family, I can neither be a passive victim allowing unhealthy choices by default, nor a micromanaging tyrant willing a happy holidays to everyone within reach.

I must pursue peace. I must wait for peace.

What does this look like today? Does it mean fewer chores and more time in prayer? Does it mean opening my home in hospitality? I’m in a bit of a crazy spot today, as we rush from point A to point B. Perhaps for today I can look at my mistakes, pray for wisdom, and breathe gratitude for fresh starts.