I’ve been working on a simple website for a local non-profit. They didn’t have a web presence, so I threw together some HTML and made a small site, 5 or 6 pages. It works for now and is a decent way to communicate the basics: history, services, hours, location, etc. The problem is that someone needs to know HTML and be able to upload files via FTP before they can update the site.

Now that I’ve given it some more thought, I’m wondering if I should set up a site for the organization on WordPress. The director of the organization wants to post info about upcoming events. I thought perhaps I could make the events page a blog, and use WordPress static pages for the rest of the site. That would make the site fairly easy to maintain for anyone.

I thought about setting up a PHP site to allow easy updates, but I really don’t have the time or expertise for that. WordPress seems like a good option that is fast and free. However, I would love to hear from some of you who use WordPress before I commit to it. Is WordPress a good solution for a small site that is easy to update?

What say you, bloggy world?