Hi, Friends,

I’ve been contemplating several fun posts lately, which of course means I must apply my very best procrastination efforts to them.

So instead of writing anything of my own, I’ll show you some of my recent favorites from other writers:

Beth Anne shares her hair secrets in this post. I’d been wondering how she found the time for such awesome hair. She spills the beans for us and shares her experiences. (P.S. — I need to add hot rollers to my wishlist now.)

Balloon races from All of the Boys! Yes. Great for rainy days this spring, especially now that we’ve determined David does not have a latex allergy.

And finally, have you checked out A Deeper Story? There’s some good stuff going on over there. Amazing, uplifting stories. Honesty. Discussions. I’m suddenly seeing links and retweets of these articles everywhere because they are giving believers courage to share their experiences.

Have a happy weekend, friends! Ours is a snowy, slushy mess that can only be Nashville in early March. Crazy town.