Hi, there! Welcome to my space for writing about parenting and sustainable living. If you like this article, you might also enjoy Sustainable Shopping at Target, The Baby Carrier Conundrum, or Dresses for Littles. So nice to meet you! 

I wasn’t terribly excited about the Comforts for Baby Bzz Campaign, to be honest. I signed up mostly because I don’t have any other campaigns right now, and I like staying active in the program. I figured, “Free diapers. Sure. Whatever.”

Comforts is Kroger’s brand of baby care items. In the past we’d gotten wipes once or twice and maybe some spoons, but I really hadn’t paid much attention to the brand. I use cloth diapers about 50% of the time, and for the remainder I use coupons and sales to get good deals on Pampers and Huggies.

Kroger succeeded in piquing my interest with the Bzz Kit they sent me. It did include a coupon for free diapers, but it also included a box of wipes and two sippy cups. The arrival of the sippy cups was timely — the only cups David would use were two we bought when Ian was a baby, and the line had been discontinued. Happily, he took to the Comforts cups right away. The Comforts sippy cups have too many parts for my taste (top, bottom, valve, and hinged spout cover), but overall the design works. Oh, and the cups are BPA free, which is a must for me.

The box of wipes were another “Sure, whatever” thing. I didn’t expect to have much of an opinion about them either way. But I gotta say, A+ for case design. You know how when you’re changing a dirty diaper you struggle to keep the kid still with one hand while grabbing wipes with the other hand? And you either get a wad of wipes or a tiny piece of one? Well, that’s how it usually goes for me. However, the Comforts wipes case is so well designed that I can grab a wipe quickly and easily. Happy happy. Oh, and I was pretty sure David was going to break out into a diaper rash as soon as I even thought about using a “Kroger” wipe on him, but no problems there.

Okay, so two out of three for you, Comforts/Kroger, but how about your diapers?

Well, the diapers were my biggest (and most pleasant) surprise.

Comforts has a new Touch of Nature line of chlorine-free diapers that use plant-derived ingredients instead of petroleum-based resources. Yay! Sometimes I buy Seventh Generation diapers when I’m feeling generous toward the environment, but most of the time my budget stinginess gets to me and I go with the on-sale conventional diapers. But with the Comforts Touch of Nature line, I don’t have to choose. I was shocked to find that, at least at my Kroger, Touch of Nature diapers are cheaper than Pampers and Huggies!

So much to my surprise, I’m suddenly a fan of Kroger’s baby products. I’m definitely adding Touch of Nature diapers to my regular shopping list, and I’m hoping Comforts will expand that line to include natural wipes and baby washes as well.

I have a few Comforts coupons to share (20% off diapers, formula, or wipes), so if I know you personally and you want a coupon, let me know. If I don’t know you or if you don’t want to mess with a paper coupon, check ComfortsforBaby.com for a link to e-coupons for your local store.