I think I may ditch the diaper bag.

I love the diaper bag we received for Ian, but I’m realizing it’s not the ideal solution for my lifestyle right now. Ian and I run errands several times throughout the week, so I tote him and the diaper bag many places. But when I go somewhere without Ian, I have to switch all my stuff from the diaper bag to a purse. After all, it would look silly to take the diaper bag with me without the kiddo, and Paul might need the bag when he’s in charge of Ian. However, the constant switching of stuff is time consuming and means that I often arrive places without my coupons/camera/lip gloss/keys.

For reference, here a diaper bag that is similar to what I use now:

So I think it’s time for a change. I think it’s time for a mom purse. I’m ready for one of those giant, hold-everything-plus-a-roll-of-duct-tape satchels to tote everywhere I go. I’m sure I’ll still use the larger diaper bag for longer outings with Ian (zoo day!), but I like the thought of one bag for a some baby stuff as well as my own junk.

I’ve started keeping an eye out for the right purse. My friend Jessica recommends I find one with lots of pockets to help me keep everything organized. I’m thinking basic black is probably a good color choice. Ideally, I would love to find a fair trade bag, but I’ve checked several fair trade sites and haven’t found any that are appropriately gargantuan or particularly stylish (and while I’m succumbing to the mom purse, I still want to be stylin’, yo?). I might go vintage; that way, even if it was made by sweatshop labor, at least it was sweatshop labor a long time ago.

There are some fund diaper-bag-disguised-as-trendy-purse options, but most of them are a bit out of my price range. Here’s a cute diaper bag I found on saksfifthavenue.com, and it’s only $550! (Ummmmm…..no.)

This one at Diaper Bag Boutique is only $128! (Ummmmm, still no.)

It’s funny being at this point in my purse life. I used to pride myself on carrying the smallest purse I could, trying to be an accessory minimalist. I think becoming a smart phone junkie heralded the end of that era, since that meant I couldn’t fit my phone in my jeans pocket. Now I’m back to the level I was in 5th grade, when I carried all sorts of random things in my purse “just in case” (extra water in case of natural disaster? check).

I have a feeling I’ll be upgrading to a bigger diaper bag, too, if our family grows any time soon (no, nothing to report there). As a naive, first-time expecting mother, I figured my cute little square of a bag would provide plenty of room. Then I got introduced to babies with reflux and their never-ending need for burp cloths. Of course, now I just need room for tons of extra socks since someone likes to chew on his.

So, other mommies out there, I would love to hear your thoughts on purse vs. diaper bag, and what you have found to be helpful.