1. They drugged me!
So, Pepsi handed out free drinks at the Predators rally. I grabbed one as I was headed to my non-air-conditioned car, relieved to see that it was diet (sugar and I don’t get along very well). I wished I had looked more closely at the bottle before drinking it — turns out it was a diet energy drink, and if there is anything my body hates more than sugar, it is caffeine. So that explains why I was terrifyingly grumpy and mean when I got home, and also explains why I am still awake.

2. I feel sorta guilty.
One thing being emphasized with the push for Predators tickets is the importance of corporate ticket sales. With my newly-formed company, I would love to support the Preds with a season ticket plan. Right now, however, all my capital is going to inventory and advertising. Maybe at some point I can join with some other East Nashville small businesses to buy partial plans.

3. I was hoping my Harry Potter book came today.
When I got home from the Preds rally, I saw a package on my doorstep. I hoped against hope that it was the new Harry Potter book, but no such luck. It was a phone book. In my wishful thinking I had decided that perhaps the publishers released the book earlier after it was leaked to the internet.