Shameful, as in, “full of shame,” not “disgraceful.” Yes, that is the archaic use of the word, but it fits my purposes. So :-P.

I am not a born saleswoman. I LOVE my store, and I LOVE the products I sell. Sometimes I want to keep them all for myself.

But I have such a hard time promoting the store to other people. It’s just not me.

Yesterday I dropped off a “ghia gift basket” as a donation for a silent auction. The woman running the auction asked me about my store and the gift basket. I really wanted to be like, “I’m great! My store is great! Buy buy buy!” Instead, I was like, “Um, hereyougohereisthegiftbasketokaybye.”


Same thing with The Best of Nashville. I have been asking some people to vote for ghia as Best New Retail Store and Best Place to Buy a Gift. However, despite the fact I think my store rocks, I feel ashamed about promoting it like this.


Here’s my next round of shameful self-promotion:

Come see me tomorrow! Assuming it’s not raining, I’ll be at the CRAFT event behind the Lipstick Lounge in East Nashville from 11am – 5pm. The Lipstick Lounge is at 14th and Woodland. There will be all sorts of awesome vendors there with apparel, art, candles, etc. So check it out. And buy stuff. My stuff.