Some days I wonder if I should be blogging more about my experience as an entrepreneur. A couple of people suggested that when I first started this endeavor. Honestly, though, by the time I have solved a problem, I really don’t feel like blogging about it. I’m just glad it’s over.

My Twitter feed might provide some insight into being a small business owner. My updates usually go something like this:
I hate QuickBooks.
Can someone help me with QuickBooks?
Yay, I’m in the paper!
Yay, I received a new shipment!
I hate QuickBooks.

I have been very blessed to receive a lot of QuickBooks help lately. Very kind friends, relatives, and acquaintances are pooling their collective knowledge to help me prepare my tax return. I am so thankful to them and to God for that help. I hope I can help other small business owners in the same way.