Hi, y’all.

I called this post “Sick Day,” but it’s actually been a sick week. My youngest boy started the trend with a fever last Wednesday night, and we’ve been passing it around since then. The kids actually recovered from the cold rather quickly, although my eldest did miss a day of school just to make sure we didn’t spread the germ-y love.

Random picture of my cat because internet cat pictures help everyone feel better. Also, I asked my brother to text "Soft Kitty" to help me feel better, but he refused because he is a Big Bang Theory elitist.
Random picture of my cat because internet cat pictures help everyone feel better. Also, I asked my brother to text “Soft Kitty” to help me get well, but he refused because he is a Big Bang Theory elitist.

Sadly, I can’t seem to shake this thing. I’m in withdrawal from my dance class, and despite the fact that I have about four other blog posts planned I don’t think any of them are going to make it out of the fog in my brain tonight. I tried to go work at a coffee shop for awhile but forgot my laptop, and autocorrect on my phone thinks I’m trying to type things like “Didn’t feed Digg. Bright you a muffin.” And I don’t even want to think about the piles of laundry and dishes at my house.

The husband has been a superhero this week, taking care of kids and chores and building a fence while working diligently at his job. And I….well, I owe him one. Or ten.

I’m trying to use this time to be thankful again for my health. It’s all-too-easy for me to lose those lessons I learned from five months of bed rest. So tonight I’m focusing on gratitude for a (generally) healthy body, a supportive family, and that yummy muffin I just bought at the store.