I waited for the impending snow storm on Friday with mixed feelings. I was looking forward to the prospect of several inches of snow, but I also hoped it would hold off until Saturday.

Because, um, Old Navy was having a sale. 30% off everything. And yes, I am officially a suburban mom who buys all of her clothes at Old Navy. Shut up.

Once I resigned myself to being homebound for the next few days, I got depressed. Not at the thought of staying home, but at the realization that this wouldn’t be much of a change in my routine. On the average day I hang out at home, do housework, and watch Ian. If I got snowed in, I would hang out at home, do housework, and watch Ian. Booooo.

I also had set aside this weekend to do some work on my federal tax return, which is a little complicated since I closed my business last year. Wasn’t really looking forward to that, either.

Once the snow started falling, however, I got more into the spirit of things. A lovely visit from Jessica made Friday afternoon quite cheery, and I enjoyed reading the Twitter updates with everyone’s #TheSituation2010 experiences. (The Nashvillest ladies are so fabulous for coining that hashtag. Actually, they are just fabulous in general. Go check out their site if you aren’t familiar with it.)

I was pretty stressed about getting my taxes done and catching up on some housework, but I resolved that my workaholic tendencies would not ruin the snowfall of the decade for me. On Saturday and Sunday I joined Ian and Paul in our own #TheSituation2010 adventures, sledding down the hill in our side yard.

Ian seemed to enjoy his first snow outing:

Oh, and apparently mommies are required to bake when it snows. I wasn’t aware of this phenomenon until Saturday when I started feeling a compulsion to make cookies. My Twitter and Facebook streams were filled with other ladies making donuts, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate oatmeal cookies. I finally capitulated on Sunday and baked some homemade oreos.

Right now I am enjoying the snow lingering in our yard. This is snowy perfection we hardly see here in Tennessee. Usually the snow here melts within a day or two; this week it is warm enough to melt the snow off the streets but cold enough to keep the landscape coated in white.

Tonight I am thankful to my Creator for the gifts of warm, safety, and grace.