I forgot to tell you! My youngest son is walking. I know, right?

But that’s not all. He also had a terrific neurosurgery check-up on Monday. And by “terrific,” I mean, “he was cleared to play hockey.”

Seriously, though, we were excited to hear that David’s neurosurgeon has very few concerns about his development and activity. We still need to keep an eye on him to watch for signs of re-tethering, and of course in a couple of years we’ll have to see how potty training goes. However, the doc encouraged us to not treat David as disabled (good for this paranoid mommy to hear) and cleared him for soccer, basketball, baseball, etc. He even said non-contact hockey would be fine, although playing goalie is out (along with football and gymnastics). Basically, we need to keep David in shape to keep his core strengthened but avoid anything that puts extreme stress on his spine.

Paul and I took David to Noshville for his own special brunch to celebrate a good appointment.

This is him in the car on the way home:

We’re proud of our little dude, and so thankful for how far he has come!