My little guy has become a tall guy, and he’s about to outgrow his infant carrier. Thanks to the generosity of family, we already have our next car seat. However, the search is on for a stroller.

Paul and I are both leaning towards a Maclaren Volo. I’m embarrassed to admit that I want a Maclaren because I always told myself that I could do without one of those fancy-schmancy, high-end strollers. If I get a Maclaren, then Nancy might revoke my “baby minimalist” title. It really is a nice stroller, though. I love how lightweight it is, plus the fact that it includes a stroller strap so I can sling it over my shoulder when I need to go up stairs or something.

Several people have recommended the Maclaren Triumph, which costs about $50 more than the Volo. The Triumph has extra seat padding, a one-handed folding mechanism, and reclining positions. I don’t care about the padding, and I like the folding mechanism of the Volo just fine, but I wonder about the adjustable recline. Is that something I’m going to need?

And then there’s the whole jogging stroller question. I definitely don’t need a jogging stroller, but I would love to walk a 5K race with Ian occasionally. I don’t know if a regular stroller can take a 5K, although I’m guessing it might be able to do it at my slow pace. I don’t think I want to buy a jogging stroller and not a regular stroller, though, because jogging strollers are so bulky and heavy. I’m not sure I could even fit one in my tiny car.

So, as usual, I have a question for you guys — how important is the reclining feature on a stroller? Do you use it, or is it just an extra bell and/or whistle? AND have you ever used a regular stroller to walk a 5K?