I’ve inadvertently taken a break from blogging. Summer is in full swing around here, and that means chasing little boys at the pool, chasing Bermuda grass out of my veggie garden, chasing that never-ending list of chores….
So since my brain is currently depleted from a steady diet of work and fun, I’m leaving the blogging to others this week:
- Squeetus: Writing and Mother: How I (Sort of) Do Both
Can I tell you how inspired I am by this article? Not about writing specifically, just the reminder that life is a series of trade-offs. Also, the note about turning off the phone and getting more done? Yeah….. - Tiny Twig: Hey, Mama of A Couple Tiny Kids
Encouragement for all of us. I feel like I’m moving out of the “tiny kid” phase, but this definitely describes my experience. - Modern Mrs. Darcy: It’s More Than a Kid Hangover
I’ve found my tribe! Highly Sensitive People. I think this explains why I won’t use my blender.