I’m not very good at playing.

Work, that I can do. I love to work. I love crossing tasks off of To Do lists.

But play? I get a little confused with that one.

I like to watch my kids play. I especially like to watch them play while I work….watch them play chase while I do the laundry, watch them pretend to cook while I do the dishes….

Photo taken by Ian.

But when they want me to play with them, sometimes I have a hard time focusing just on the fun and letting go of my never-ending queue of activities.

Which is why I am so glad I don’t have to do this parenting thing alone.

Paul is great at playing. He can be silly and fun while showing the boys how to do new things. He can play a favorite game over and over with amazing patience and kindness. When he’s upstairs with the boys, I hear thuds and giggles and cheering, and I know they are all having a blast.

Sometimes I envy Paul’s play ability. I wish I had that. I wish it weren’t a struggle for me to set aside my work.

But often I’m inspired. Often I hear the laughter and feel the strength I need to focus on my two beautiful sons and just play.

Not enough. Not yet. But it’s a start.