An interesting side effect of my hockey fandom is an appreciation of team sports.

I never played sports when I was a kid unless forced into it by a mean gym teacher. My brother was quite good at several sports, and I wanted nothing to do with them after years of watching his games. The closest I ever got to a team was the girls in my grade-school dance class or my high school marching band. Maybe the fellow cast members of operas in college.

And now I find myself wishing for a team. I long for the physical exertion of a game, the striving together toward a common goal.

I know this area has community teams for adults, but my physical stamina and knowledge of rules are so lacking that I would be too embarrassed to join. I need someone to have a Soccer Workshop for Dummies, some sort of beginner seminar for adults who have never played a game in their lives.

I like the idea of the Nashville Women’s Ice Hockey League, probably because hockey is so new to Tennessee that few ladies grew up knowing how to skate and shoot. I’m seriously thinking of taking some ice skating lessons so that I can perhaps crash a few of their practices and at least get some of the team feeling. Plus, Paul thinks I’d make a great goalie. 🙂