I am so thankful for the life I lead. Sometimes I forget that. Sometimes I focus on ruffled feathers and unfulfilled expectations and the busy, busy. busy way I feel like I must operate during the holidays.

I’m sad that this time of year often turns into emotional politics and obligations for me. Try as I might to focus on the Savior born so many years ago, instead I focus on whether my house is clean and what other people think of me. And to me, that’s idolatry.

When I can stand still in the midst of the crazy fog and find a few moments of gratitude, that is a true gift. I am so thankful that my God knows the depths of my flaws and pulls me to Him in those times.

And so I am grateful….

–For a Savior who loves me.
–For a baby who is amazing,
–For a husband who is a wonderful father and spouse. I am grateful that Ian has a daddy at all, and for him to have such a loving, involved father is a blessing.
–For family that support me. When I think of friends who are still paying off student loans, I am reminded to be extra grateful for the college education I received courtesy of my parents. I think I took that for granted when I was in school….I had no idea how many people have to work their way through college! (I know, I live in a soft, fluffy world, don’t I?)
–For a house that is safe and warm.
–For a country where I can worship and live as I please. (I totally take freedom of speech for granted as well.)
–For a kitty and a puppy who are snuggly and fun.
–For friends
–For teh interwebs
–For my powerlessness
–For the reality of my imperfection
–For modern medicine
–For almost limitless choices in food
–For my stylin’ wardrobe, courtesy of Jessica

I don’t know that I have a resolution for this upcoming year, but I do have a hope. I hope for more serenity in my life. I hope that I can lay down the cares of this world for a small time every day so that I can listen to God’s Will for my life and seek the power to carry it out.