For years I had heard my culinarily-gifted friends bemoan the use of baking mix. Yet I used it almost every week – for pancakes, waffles, biscuits. I leaned heavily on my friend-in-a-box.

I did try to make waffles from scratch once, right after I got married. I think they turned out okay, but all I remember is frantically trying to figure out what “soft peaks” were. It was a difficult, time-consuming process, and I had no desire to try that again.

Pancakes – including a D for David!

Then one morning, I had a craving for pancakes but no baking mix. I decided it was time to branch out. I found this recipe and gave it a try. And…it was easy. The pancakes were amazing, and they were much lower calorie than baking mix pancakes.


I really didn’t find pancakes-from-scratch to be more complicated than pancakes from a mix, and the result was so superior than the box version that I don’t see myself ever going back.

Next up I’m going to try sausage balls without baking mix, hoping I can duplicate one of my favorite winter treats.  After that, perhaps I can find a waffle recipe that doesn’t involve mountains.

In the meantime, a neglected box of baking mix sits sadly in my pantry. There is probably about a cup of mix left. I can’t figure out what to do with it, and I hate to throw it out. Overall, though, I’m pretty excited to embark on new, healthier baking adventures this year.

Did anybody else have any cooking revelations in 2012?