To cut or not to cut? That is the decision looming on the horizon for me. My hair is the longest it has been in several years, and I am trying to decide what comes next.

I find that my inner fairy princess is battling my inner cool kid. Do I want long, flowing curls or an edgy, hip cut? I’ve started asking people their opinions over dinner, hoping to find a consensus. Even if I do make a decision, I usually change it the next day.

Here’s what the past few days have been like:

Friday: Hair is a static-y, frizzy mess. Definitely cutting it.
Saturday afternoon: At Holiday Craft Market. Seeing many hipsters with cute haircuts. Definitely cutting hair.
Saturday night: Watching Enchanted. Wavering on that haircut idea.
Sunday: Hair is cooperating and falling into princess curls. No frizz in sight. Keeping hair long.
Monday: Hair is flat and stays in a ponytail all day. Husband mentions he likes the shorter hair cut. Thinking I might cut my hair.

So you see, I definitely have a problem here. Right now I am wondering if I should shave my head and buy wigs to fit each mood. Or I can cut my hair but get some clip-on extensions for those princess days.

In reality, I probably need to lighten up on the vanity and stop worrying about my hair. I think my hair angst probably represents other things in my life that I can’t control, and my indecision reflects my inability to accept my powerlessness. Or maybe I’m just wishy-washy.