I’m a day late on my Thanksgiving post, because that’s how I roll.

I’m tired. I’ve been sick and cranky for a lot of the week.

But I’m ready to be thankful. So here goes….

I’m thankful for:
My kiddos
My husband
My cat
My dog

Doesn’t this pie look all Thanksgiving-y?
I made it in September, but that’s ok.

My house
Parents and parents-in-law who live in the same city I do
Awesome brother
Awesome sister-in-law
Awesome cousins (and aunts and uncles)
Central heat
New car
A peaceful country
My piano
My voice
Answered prayers
David walking and running and dancing
Little boy giggles
The Internet
My e-reader
Good books
Hot chocolate
Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love”
My neighborhood
The fact that I am not in charge of the universe
Being part of a community of believers
Old friends
New friends
Rainy days
The month of October

I hope you have had a happy Thanksgiving, my friends.

Linking up today to Wild and Precious.