Poor Cameron. He’s been having a tough time in this heat. He mostly just lays in the shade all day.
Occasionally, though, I will water him. That’s right, I water my dog. Like he’s a plant.

Paul came up with the idea. He was watering some new grass one evening when Cameron decided to zoom around the yard, running under the hose over and over again. So now we just spray him with the hose, full on. He rears up on his hind legs, majestic lab that he is, and tries to bite the water. It’s fantastic.

Loa, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying the heat. She just lays in our front window and bakes. Cats are thermal-powered, you know.

I kept Cameron in the house for a few hours today to keep him out of the heat. Loa did not appreciate this at all. She slunk out of her window, crept to the doorway, and gave Cameron evil looks as he sat obliviously in his crate.