Haven’t blogged much lately, because most of my entries would have involved how sick and/or tired I feel. Paul and I are expecting a baby blogger sometime next March, so I am learning the ups and downs of a first-time pregnancy.

I don’t want my blog to turn into a pregnancy blog, though…I think because I am trying to keep my identity as Christy in addition to future mom. I’ve already had to stop ice skating, I ran out of money for jazz classes, I’ll stop volunteering at ENCM in a couple of weeks, and I’m going to have to return the foster dog. Life isn’t all that bad, and the reduced schedule will help me keep up with ghia during the holiday shopping season, but I’m still sad to be stopping so many activities. I tend to be a workaholic, though, and I think it’s best for me to cut waaaay back and then add more as I have time, rather than wear myself out with a crazy schedule.

So yeah, we’ve decided to give Khan back to the shelter in a month or so. I am really hoping we can find him a forever home before then. I have enjoyed being a foster parent to him, but I hate to see him get shuffled around to another foster home. However, he and Cameron together will be too much dog for me to handle as the pregnancy progresses. Would you like a very sweet Great Pyrenees dog?

I am so frustrated at Warner Bros. for changing the Half-Blood Prince release date from December to July. For me, those seven months mean the difference between needing a babysitter and not. Weird.

Got to go to the symphony last night, courtesy of my generous in-laws. Hearing Dvorák’s New World Symphony made me feel proud to be an American. I can’t say I’ve had that sensation when previously listening to that work, but last night it struck me how cool it is that our country inspired such a beautiful symphony.

The end.