• Haven’t been into blogging much lately. Not sure why. Just busy, I guess. When I get very busy and/or stressed, I often lose the introspection that makes for good blog posts.
  • The Preds are winning again. Good stuff.
  • I’m a bad kitty mom. I have a Kaboodle wishlist for Cameron and Loa, but so far I’ve added items only for Cameron. I don’t think Loa wants much besides more food, more paper wads, and a house without a dog.
  • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is fabulous. I mean, it’s this incredibly popular TV show based on helping people. I think what works about the show is its simplicity. Find people who need a house, and then build it. No competitions, just engaging back stories and happy endings.
  • I love presents. My parents recently e-mailed me and requested my wishlist for this Christmas, and I clapped my hands like a little kid.
  • I find this quote rather autobiographical:
    “There nearly always is method in madness. It’s what drives men mad, being methodical.”
    -GK Chesterton