I totally ran out of things to post.


Maybe I can’t think due to lack of sleep. Right now I’m on meds that I have to take every 6 hours, so I end up being awake at weird times during the night.

I thought about following my “Bedrest Fashion” post with a “Bedrest Beauty” post, but then I realized I really haven’t figured out any beauty help yet. My skin is breaking out, my hair is in a permanent state of frizz, and I don’t bother to put on makeup most days. Ugh.

I’m pretty sure the answers to my beauty dilemmas are to have my hairstylist from Cognito stop by every few days and straighten my hair, and then get a facial from Magnolia Spa once a week. Totally doable.

Interesting thoughts — this post from Suburban Turmoil about what kids should call adults. I had this same conversation with Ariana the other day. She and I both grew up calling adults “Miss First Name” until we were school age. However, our husbands think that is an odd hybrid of manners, and prefer “Mrs. Last Name” or just “First Name” with no prefix. But that feels so rude to me! The way culture and upbringing affect ideas of manners are so amusing sometimes.

My dear sisters-in-law kept me busy chatting on Skype today, and that was lovely.

I’m almost done crocheting the blanket for Ian that I started over a year ago, and soon I’ll start on a blanket for his little brother. I guess there are a few good things about bed rest…..