There’s Team Edward and Team Jacob….Team Jennifer and Team Angelina….  today I want to tell you about Team Emmett.

Emmett Stalling is husband, father, and musician who in February was diagnosed with Stage IV esophageal cancer. He and his wife have a four-year-old boy named Quinn.

To my knowledge, I have never met Emmett or his wife, Wendy, but some friends of mine know them well. Yet in reading about their journey on their blog, I feel like I am getting to know the family. I can’t imagine Wendy’s heartbreak right now. Before he became sick, Emmett was a stay-at-home dad with Quinn, so this has been a lot of change for that little guy, too.

If you are the praying type, please pray for Emmett and his family. Their faith in Christ is shining as a clear beacon during this time, and they need us to keep lifting them up.

If you have been blessed financially and would like to contribute to Emmett’s medical bills and other expenses, you can do that at their website, There are some nifty wristbands available that can serve as a great reminder to pray for Emmett, Wendy, and Quinn.

Hearing Emmett’s story has reminded me to be grateful for all of the amazing blessings in my life and to treasure Paul and Ian even more.