Ian, my 3.5-year-old, was telling me about craft time at school, which involved him pouring glitter over his artwork.

Glitter tree by Ian

“I’ve noticed you really like glitter, Ian.”

“Yes,” he said. “I like blue glitter. Do we have glitter at home?”

“No,” I replied. “We don’t have glitter at home.”

After a few moments, he continued. “If you want, I can get you glitter for your birthday. I can use blue glitter, and David can use purple glitter if he wants to, and you can use pink glitter if you want to. If I have enough money, I will get it for you for your birthday, or maybe for Christmas. If I have enough money.”

My heart melted. My sweet boy wanted me to have one of his very favorite things.

And I like the prospect of a gift of glitter much better than “more laundry to fold,” which is what he told my mom I needed last month.