Legos and DavidThere’s not enough time in the day.

Each week I cannot find the time I need to cook healthy food, clean the house, play with the kids, hang out with friends, sleep, enjoy hobbies….

I can do some of those things, but not all. And yet I’m convinced I need all those activities for a healthy, balanced life.

So what do I throw out the window?

I tend rotate my areas of neglect. One week we may dine out too much or eat pasta almost every night. Another week I skip the housecleaning (thankfully made more feasible by a monthly cleaning service!). Sadly, some weeks playtime with my kids is vastly diminished (okay, a lot of weeks). And hobbies? What are those?

I hope that by focusing on a different area each week I can keep the germs/pile of laundry/loneliness at bay with nothing in too bad a shape.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.

I don’t know how to get it all done. I look at other women who seem to live gentle, non-hurried lives with clean houses and wonder how they do it. Do they not need sleep? Is my brain flawed in a way that makes time management a disaster? Maybe I need to start drinking coffee.

I know in most cases I’m comparing my insides — which I know to be tired and stretched — to their shiny outsides. I don’t know the battles these other women are facing.

So today I’m sharing a few of my battles. Today I’m sharing that the house is clean, but only because our housecleaner came today. I’m hoping the kids can amuse themselves this afternoon because I feel buried in To Do Lists after a week of being sick. This morning my three-year-old followed me around whining for half and hour because he didn’t like breakfast. I have this grand plan to reorganize the playroom, but I don’t know if it will ever happen because by the end of each day I am completely drained. And I have a list of sweet friends whom I want to invite over for dinner, and I’ve managed to make dinner happen with exactly one of those people in the last year.

So that’s where I am today, friends. That’s what doesn’t get done for me. Care to share what’s going undone in your house this week?