Chair project by you.For Ian’s room we went with a backyard theme, with a screen door (good way to keep the cat out) and trees painted onto the walls by grandfathers. The centerpiece of the theme is a giant swing “hanging” from one of the trees, and I love it.

Now that Ian is mobile, I’m a little worried about the ropes that form the sides of the chair. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to cover the ropes somehow so that he can’t get caught in them. I might sew some canvas to the chair, or perhaps create a cover that can latch onto the grommets that hold the ropes. Using some sort of mesh might preserve the airy, outdoor feeling of the chair a little better. Another thought is to try knotting more ropes horizontally across the existing ones, creating a net effect and eliminating the slack in the ropes.

I know a lot of you out there are quite crafty and/or engineer-y and/or very experienced with wrangling pets and children. I would love to hear your ideas for making the swing toddler-safe!